Uelsning bo‘m-bo‘sh ko‘chalari echkilarga qolib ketdi (foto, video)

Koronavirus karantini sababli bo‘shab qolgan Llandidno shahri (Uels, Buyuk Britaniya) ko‘chalarida echki galalari paydo bo‘ldi.
I think I just got a group of goats in Llandudno arrested.
— Andrew Stuart (@AndrewStuart) March 27, 2020
Let me explain... first, I saw this from inside a dark pub (the one I live in currently). I thought I was seeing things. So I took some video: pic.twitter.com/RtxYG6htLC
Xabar berilganidan keyin yetib kelgan politsiyachilar echkilarni shahardan haydab yuborishgan. Ammo...
And they sent a patrol car down who turned on the big red lights. So, I’m sorry if the goats got arrested. But they were being very naughty.
— Andrew Stuart (@AndrewStuart) March 27, 2020
Also, close the gates behind you on the Orme.
And stay 2m apart at all times.
🐐 🐐 🐐 pic.twitter.com/xczGrVoawL
Ertasiga ular yana qaytdi. Hozir Llandidno ko‘chalarida odamlardan ko‘ra echkilar ko‘p.
Just kidding around, yeah? 🐐 pic.twitter.com/NHpV3seMlA
— Andrew Stuart (@AndrewStuart) March 28, 2020

Izoh qoldirish uchun saytda ro'yxatdan o'ting
Ijtimoiy tarmoqlar orqali kiring